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dottore magistrale equivalent

Copyright © 1999-2020 ProZ.com - All rights reserved. Participation is free and the site has a strict confidentiality policy. This is a 2nd level academic title not to be misunderstood with the Italian “Dottore di Ricerca” or with such titles as Philosophy Doctor, Docteur, Doctor, Doktor, Doutor, etc. Äquivalent zum Doktor oder PhD ist der 'dottore di ricerca' (Forschungsdoktor), der nach 'laurea specialistica' und anschließender Forschungsarbeit (ca. I find it had to translate as "Master's Degree" because, in order to be recognised as an MA, it would need the "equipollenza".La rete KudoZ mette a disposizione una struttura per i traduttori e per altre persone per fornire reciproca assistenza sulla traduzione o la spiegazione di termini o brevi frasi. Eppure un laureato in ingegneria (laurea tradizionale o specialistica) studia "ingegneria" piu' a lungo di uno che fa il master in Laurea Magistrale Classification: Bologna process second cycle qualification/EQF level 7 Access: by a Laurea, or a comparable foreign degree. The Laurea magistrale qualification is the principal qualification of the Italian second cycle. In addition very few italians actually have even the minimal familiarity with either system of conferred titles so don't ask.

We might liken this to the use of "Esquire," or "Esq." is not necessarily "equivalent" to a master's and it's a mistake to suggest otherwise. Deutschsprachige Studienabsolventen (Südtirol) führen häufig eigenhändige Übersetzungen des italienischen 'dottore' als Namenszusatz (z.B. Altre risorse terminologiche A questa risposta sono stati assegnati 4 punti KudoZ In an American environment, "graduate degree" would be appropriate too. See above. For another site operated by ProZ.com for finding translators and getting found, go to It has nothing to do with being a …

3 Jahre) verliehen wird. ‘dottore magistrale’ (‘laurea magistrale’) zu führen, der allerdings nicht der Promotion (Dr. oder PhD) entspricht. Classification: Bologna process second cycle qualification/EQF level 7. (Doctor; in Italy it is used for any person holding a university degree. Laurea Magistrale. The term dottore is frequently used in Italy to refer to any person with a university Laurea: thus, a person with a Laurea Magistrale uses the title "dottore magistrale" and a person with a Laurea uses the title of "dottore".

Copyright © 1999-2020 ProZ.com - All rights reserved. contesto: al titolo conseguito compete la qualifica accademica di DOTTORE MAGISTRALE. Not much in use, though. It is conditional on the defence of a thesis.

Other terminology resources but I would add the Italian name as well, one or the other in bracketsThe translator is not competent to inform an English reader that Degree X is EQUIVALENT to Degree Y; this is a huge error (though frequently repeated); a laurea mag. You will also have access to many other tools and opportunities designed for those who have language-related jobs The laurea magistrale a ciclo unico grants access to competitions for the Italian civil service, state-regulated and non-state-regulated professions, research doctorate programmes and all other degree courses of the 3rd cycle. which correspond to 3rd cycle doctorates, and are usually shortened to PhD or Dr.:Dienstleistungsangebot im Bereich Tourismus, Kunst und Kultur... Übersetzungen ins Italienische im Bereich Werbung und Marketing - Fremdsprachenadaption - Adaption von Werbetexten - Transcreation... Dienstleistungsangebot im Bereich Photovoltaik und erneuerbare Energien... Dr. phil.

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dottore magistrale equivalent