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strategisches konzept nato 2020

The new Strategic Concept should address, in addition to other priorities, the following conventional defence needs:As a general matter, energy policy is a domestic issue, with the EU and the International Energy Agency offering services at the multinational level related to potential energy supply disruptions. They are enduring needs and will survive as long as NATO has the courage to defend them through the unity of its members, the bravery of its citizens, and the free expression of its collective will.Throughout the course of its work, the Group of Experts has benefited from regular meetings with the NATO Military Authorities. NATO thrives as a source of hope because, from the very beginning, its members have described their common agenda in a positive fashion: to enhance international security, safeguard liberty, and promote the rule of law. Die Grafik zeigt die Schlüsselelemente des "Strategischen Konzepts für die Verteidigung und Sicherheit der Mitglieder der Nordatlantischen Vertragsorganisation", das am 19.

Without NATO during the Cold War, the Euro-Atlantic region would have entered the twenty-first century deprived of freedom in its East and with no common strategy in its West; the world would still be hostage to a superpower rivalry, with nuclear annihilation a single miscalculation away.Without NATO in the 1990s, the newly-freed states of Central and East Europe would have lacked a powerful incentive to embrace democracy internally and to mend fences with external rivals. Mai 2010) IMI-Studie 2010/06 - in: Krisenmanagement: "Sicherheitsarchitektur" im globalen Ausnahmezustand, Tübingen 2010, S. 5-14 NATO is an ever-evolving part of an also-evolving international security framework; its mission of self defence has always hinged, in part, on events beyond its borders.

bei der Sicherung der Energieressourcen. The more open NATO leaders are in their deliberations, and the more clearly they explain the specific goals and rationale for NATO participation in any operation, the more likely it is that the Alliance will be able to attract the level of popular and parliamentary support it must have to fulfil its missions.In recent years, the CFE process has stalled and is now in danger of crumbling. In this context, the NAC’s recent decision to establish a single committee to manage all partnerships is a welcome one. "Aktives Engagement, moderne Verteidigung" - so lautet der Leitspruch der aktuellen Strategie. NATO’s purpose, set out in the North Atlantic Treaty, was to protect the freedom and safety of its members. The Alliance is not alone in its commitment to these objectives, but its combination of military capability and political solidarity make it both singularly valuable and irreplaceable. Looking ahead, the Alliance has ample grounds for confidence. Thus, with the possible exception of a humanitarian emergency, it is hard to foresee direct NATO involvement in this region.NATO’s overriding purpose, set out in the North Atlantic Treaty, is “to safeguard the freedom, common heritage, and civilisation” of its members. NATO, of course, is one such source but so is the vast network of economic and political connections that link the major world powers. NATO 2020 Expertenkommission des Generalsekretärs legt Entwurf für ein neues Strategisches Konzept vor Jürgen Wagner (20. The Supreme Allied Commander Transportation (NATO ACT) and the U.S. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), stresses the need for future leaders to understand the political and military policies of NATO. In addition, Iran’s conventional weapons programmes, especially its anti-ship cruise missiles, raise concerns about the security of critical maritime trading routes. Thus, political reform and improved governance could be major contributors to a healthier security climate throughout Central Asia. Just as a homeowner has an interest in the safety of his or her neighbourhood, so NATO has reason to be concerned about stability throughout the region of which it is a part. Vorwort Wir, die Staats- und Regierungschefs der NATO-Staaten, sind entschlossen, dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die NATO weiterhin ihre einzigartige und wesentliche Rolle bei der Gewährleistung unserer gemeinsamen … Deutschland hat sich erfolgreich dafür stark gemacht, dass die NATO nun auch das Ziel der Abrüstung und Nichtverbreitung verfolgt. Productive relationships with other countries and organisations enable NATO to be more vigilant, better prepared, and smarter in what it does. 0000004772 00000 n

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strategisches konzept nato 2020