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kingdom of the ostrogoths

With Zeno’s support, he led the Ostrogoths into Italy, where he deposed Odoacer, the West Roman emperor, whom Zeno believed was plotting against him. In the 5th century, they followed the Visigoths in creating one of the two great Gothic kingdoms within the Roman Empire, based upon the large Gothic populations who had settled in the Balkans in the 4th century, having crossed the Lower Danube. The war between the Franks and Visigoths led to renewed friction between Theodoric and the Emperor, as Clovis successfully portrayed himself as the champion of the Western Church against the "heretical" Arian Goths, gaining the Emperor's support. The Goths appear in Roman records starting in the third century, in the regions north of the The Ostrogoths, not mentioned until later, are associated with the Greuthungi who lived further east. Theodoric and his Goths were now masters of Italy.The administrative machinery of Odoacer's kingdom, in essence that of the former Empire, was retained and continued to be staffed exclusively by Romans, such as the articulate and literate The continuity in administration is illustrated by the fact that several senior ministers of Odoacer, like On the other hand, the army and all military offices remained the exclusive preserve of the Goths. Wolfram follows the position of In any case, the older terminology of a divided Gothic people disappeared gradually after they entered the Roman Empire. Other names for the Goths abounded.

In Ravenna, new churches and monumental buildings were erected, several of which survive. His successor Theodoric's relations with his nominal suzerain, the Eastern Roman Emperor, were always strained, for political as well as for religious reasons.

By means of marriage alliances, he sought to establish a central position among the barbarian states of the West. Theodoric then turned the whole of Italy into an Ostrogoth kingdom, making Ravenna its capital. Amalasuntha was Roman-educated and intended to continue her father's policies of conciliation between Goths and Romans. Parts of An agreement was reached between Zeno and Theodoric, stipulating that Theodoric, if victorious, was to rule in Italy as the emperor's representative.The Goths now turned to besiege Ravenna, but since they lacked a fleet and the city could be resupplied by sea, the siege could be endured almost indefinitely, despite privations.

The Ostrogoths (Latin: Ostrogothi, Austrogothi) were a Roman-era Germanic people. Scholarly opinions are divided about this connection. Among other Gothic group names however, they are associated with the Greuthungi.

A banquet was organised in order to celebrate this treaty. Belisarius proved more capable at A faction of the Gothic nobility pointed out that their own king As soon as Belisarius was gone, the remaining Ostrogoths elected a new king named By 550 Justinian was able to put together an enormous force, an assembly designed to recover his losses and subdue any Gothic resistance. In the event she managed to execute the three leading conspirators, and her position remained relatively secure until, in 533, Athalaric's health began to seriously decline.Amalasuntha then turned for support to her only relative, her cousin Justinian immediately reacted by offering his support to the deposed queen, but in early May 535, she was executed.During the second phase (540/541–553), Gothic resistance was reinvigorated under Because of the kingdom's short history, no fusion of the two peoples and their art was achieved. However, the Ostrogoths are associated with the earlier The Ostrogoths were one of several peoples referred to more generally as Goths. In previous years, a large number of Goths, first under In the end, after Strabo's death in 481, Zeno came to terms with Theodoric. Theodoric perceived this as a threat and intended to campaign against him, but the Franks acted first and invaded Burgundy in 523, quickly subduing it. The Goths were settled mostly in northern Italy, and kept themselves largely apart from the Roman population, a tendency reinforced by their different faiths: the Goths were mostly Theodoric's view was clearly expressed in his letters to the Jews of It is in his foreign policy rather than domestic affairs that Theodoric appeared and acted as an independent ruler. Cassiodorus lived among th… The Battle of Ravenna in 476 CE - Rome's final humiliation - signalled the ignoble end of its Western Empire. Domestically, the Thus, for a time, Theodoric could count on their support. This even led to the dispatch of a fleet by Anastasius in 508, which ravaged the coasts of The suspicions of Theodoric were confirmed by the interception of compromising letters between leading senators and Constantinople, which led to the imprisonment and execution of Boethius in 524.
The effects of this appeared six months later, when, with the mediation of the city's bishop, negotiations started between the two parties.An agreement was reached on 25 February 493, whereby the two should divide Italy between them. Amalaric succeeded to the Visigothic kingdom in Iberia and Septimania.

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kingdom of the ostrogoths