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lol warding guide

Beyond that, split your warding between the lane brush (if your opponents use them for cover), the tri-brush, and dragon (post 5:00).After the laning phase ends, there aren’t many general, obvious warding locations to recommend. If you are not completely destroying the enemy, you may be unable to place a Control Ward here, but this is a very good bush to ward in general as it is considered a high traffic zone. Without adequate Do note that this guide is going to be very in-depth and we will go into great detail about the things listed.

I recommend that you put the Control Ward on the side that your team needs more vision on. By the time the next stack is up, you would be able to take the cannon minion with it. Whether you are split pushing or sieging objectives with your team, having these types of wards will give you enough time to back off in case of a flank.They can also provide you with a lot of other useful things. Vision is not just buying and placing wards. Vision: An Advanced Guide to Warding Strategy in League of Legends. A generic tip at best! It is a good idea to place Control Wards in the top side of the map as well as in the river to prevent any counter movements from the enemy.A good Control Ward in the top bush will deny any vision for the enemy which can come in handy to prevent a TP play or the enemy spotting your Jungler.
Since you can only control your champion, you’ve got to make sure you’re safe and alive to farm up for the mid game. This was quite a big nerf to the Support role specifically, which puts more emphasis on other roles picking up the slack.Control Wards, unlike Warding Trinkets, have an additional interaction. Vision is also needed in these areas as champions are usually hunting down enemies who are alone for the kill.
This will allow you to steal away their camps.

I recommend the use of your trinket for this as it will be the most reliable way of gaining vision.It is beneficial to have Control Wards in your own jungle to see if the enemy Top decides to rotate through your teams Jungle or is attempting to take away any camps or buffs. While this is not always the case for the top or mid lane, it can very well be the norm for the bottom lane.Standing in an area like suggested will help you save your first ward as you will not need to use it early to spot the enemy as you would be using yourself as a ward. When you are trying to siege this tower, you need vision in the top side of the enemy jungle to protect you and your team from being flanked by the enemy.There are many warding locations that you can use to your advantage and some of the wards we have suggested can come in handy.

It is an item that grants cooldown reduction, damage and lethality. Additionally, when the dragon is about to spawn, make sure it is warded.In the late game where carries have become incredibly powerful and can take down the dragon very quickly, it is essential that you place wards on the path to the dragon rather than in the dragon pit itself, as it may take too long to respond if you only ward the dragon pit itself. Mid laners are able to clear the camps pretty quickly if they have AOE abilities.If the enemy Jungler decides to walk through their jungle and does not respect you, having vision of them may allow you to kill them if they are low enough.

Do they want objectives, and if so, how will they get to them? Having a plethora of wards inside the enemies jungle will not only benefit you, but it also benefits your Bot lane, your Top lane and your Jungler.

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lol warding guide