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One of the key variables affected by climate change is precipitation which is of great importance in monsoon regions such as West Africa. The term is sometimes incorrectly used for locally heavy but short-term rains.

In der Hauptaktivitätszone des Monsuns entstehen Weitere ausschlaggebende Faktoren sind die Ausbildung stabiler Der westafrikanische Monsun ist im Vergleich zu seinen asiatischen Pendants variabler, sowohl in seiner Entstehung wie auch in der Intensität.

Usually, the term monsoon is used to refer to the rainy phase of a seasonally changing pattern, although technically there is also a dry phase. The West African Monsoon (WAM) involves the interaction of multi-scale processes ranging from planetary to cumulus scales, which makes it challenging for coarse resolution General Circulation Models to accurately simulate WAM. West African monsoon, a major wind system that affects West African regions between latitudes 9° and 20° N and is characterized by winds that blow southwesterly during warmer months and northeasterly during cooler months of the year. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.

By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. NOAA/ National Weather Service NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction Climate Prediction Center 5830 University Research Court College Park, Maryland 20740 Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team Disclaimer Der westafrikanische Monsun (WAM) ist ein gekoppeltes Atmosphäre-Ozean-Land-System, das die sommerlichen Niederschläge und die Winter-Trockenheit über den Regionen West- und Zentralafrika steuert. Ausgezeichnet wird der westafrikanische Monsun dabei von einem scharfen, räumlich-zeitlich

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The West African monsoon is the alternation of the southwesterly wind and the harmattan at the surface.

The northern boundary of the 500-mm isohyet (a line on a map connecting points experiencing the same rainfall amount) approximates the maximum advance of the West African summer monsoon.The onset and retreat of the West African monsoon with respect to the timing of the direct rays of the sun.

There is one rainfall maximum (in August or September) only a short distance farther north, although the wet season is only a few weeks shorter. Combined influence of the Indo-Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans drive the … Here the potential impact of the stratospheric aerosol geoengineering on the West African Summer Monsoon precipitation and the associated mechanisms are investigated, using climate model simulations from the Geoengineering Large Ensemble project that …

The harmattan brings cooler nights, but the extreme daily heating causes a thermal range of 10–12 °C (18–22 °F). Although areas just outside of this region also experience wind The West African Monsoon (WAM) system is the main source of rainfall in the agriculturally based region of the Sahel.

The West African monsoon (WAM) involves many complicated interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and land surface on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, from individual rain events to global atmospheric dynamics.

The main two components of the African Monsoons are the West African Monsoon, which prevails during the Northern Hemisphere Summer (June through September), and the East African Monsoon with rains during spring (MAM) and autumn (OND). The present study evaluates the ability of the high-resolution ( $$\sim$$ 25 km) Atmospheric General Circulation Model HiRAM to simulate the WAM and … So konnte zum Beispiel für den Michael Vellinga, Alberto Arribas, Richard Graham: Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, François Gemenne, Christophe Dumas, Didier Swingedouw: Check out Britannica's new site for parents! History at your fingertips Except for erratic The moist southwesterly stream, particularly frequent between 5° and 10° N, can reach much farther north, bringing warm humid nights and moderately hot but still humid days.

The precipitation and atmospheric circulation patterns are shown in the adjacent figure.
The “dry,” which is controlled by northeast winds, lasts from November to early March. Even in the daytime, the harmattan may give a sensation of coolness to the The advancing fringe of the southwest monsoon is too shallow (under 1,000 metres [3,300 feet]) for many If it were not for the change in wind direction when the southeast trades have crossed the Equator, the monsoon system of On the south coast, which is at latitude 4° N to 6° N, the southwest monsoon (as the intertropical convergence) may occur at any time, but the results are quite Toward the north, conditions are more distinctly monsoonal: by latitude 8° N the two wet seasons have merged into one long “wet” with two subdued peaks, which last approximately seven to eight months (March–October). A monsoon is traditionally a seasonal reversing wind accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation, but is now used to describe seasonal changes in atmospheric circulation and precipitation associated with the asymmetric heating of land and sea.

Wind and rainfall patterns of the West African monsoon.Distribution of peoples and annual rainfall in the Guinea Coast region. Als mesoskalige atmosphärische Phänomene über Westafrika werden dabei Wetterphänomene wie Sturmfronten und Gewitterzellen beschrieben, die eine horizontale Erstreckung zwischen 2 und 2.000 Kilometern erreichen können. Such alternation is normally found between latitudes 9° and 20° N. Northeasterlies occur constantly farther north, but only southwesterlies occur farther south. Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Der Regengürtel des westafrikanischen Monsuns dehnt sich zur Zeit seiner stärksten Aktivität von Im Norden des Einflussgebietes des westafrikanischen Monsuns stellen mesoskalige, hochgradig organisierte Böenliniensysteme (Sturmfronten) die wichtigste Quelle für den dort fallenden Regenniederschlag.

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