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vizekanzler deutschland aktuell

Overall, we see the entire demographic age spectrum, regardless of whether they are in the normal ward or intensive care unit." without being reviewed by independent scientists. I thank you very much for that." "Lessons must be learned from the crisis, for example by improving EU civil protection and the joint procurement and production of vital medical supplies." US President Donald Trump is trying to lure German scientists to America with large financial contributions or to secure the drug exclusively for his country, the newspaper reported, citing government circles in Berlin.In response to an inquiry by the German Press Agency, the Federal Ministry of Health referred to statements that a ministry spokesman had already made to the newspaper Welt am Sonntag. Elderly residents of care homes will no longer be able to receive visitors under the age of 16.Frankfurt (dpa) - Paderborn defender Luca Kilian has been tested positive for coronavirus, becoming the first infected Bundesliga player.The announcement came hours after the German Football League (DFL) postponed this weekend's Bundesliga and second division and is set to suspend them until April 2 due to the coronavirus.Berlin (dpa) - The Federal Ministry of Health has warned the population of false news and scare mongering in the Corona crisis. In many locations, existing projects can be adapted to meet the needs of the new situation, allowing assistance to be provided quickly and directly. Read full articles, watch videos, browse thousands of titles and more on the "Germany" topic with Google News. „Nobody can say today with a clear conscience that they know how long this difficult time will last. German EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen will work out a model by mid-May. According to data collated by dpa from Germany's 16 federal states, over 73,900 people are known to have caught the novel coronavirus since the start of the pandemic.

Under the hashtag "#abschlussfeier2020" young people may post their own articles on social media.July 14th, 2020: German vaccine developer already very farMainz (dpa) - The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved an accelerated approval procedure for two potential vaccine candidates against coronavirus for the Mainz-based company Biontech and the American group Pfizer. According to the survey, 38 percent of the students studied for a maximum of two hours a day, 74 percent for a maximum of four hours. Brussels (dpa) - In the Corona crisis, the EU finance ministers have agreed on aid worth billions for endangered states, companies and jobs. On Monday, Merkel made it clear in a switching conference of the CDU presidium how dissatisfied she was that the message of cautious loosening had led to "opening discussion orgies" in some countries. "Brussels (dpa) - In the fight against the coronavirus, a global alliance wants to raise at least 7.5 billion euros in start-up funding for vaccines, drugs and tests this Monday. So far, the Foreign Office had only advised against unnecessary travel abroad.Berlin (dpa) - The club is closed, so the party is at home?

We must strengthen it now, support it and then position it for the future even better than before,” said Maas. With this, series tests and precautionary tests can be carried out in day-care centres, schools or nursing homes in the case of corona cases. The fund is directed "at organisations abroad whose commitment is of great importance for artistic freedom and for a pluralistic society," according to a communication.In the short term, the aim is to support projects that primarily serve to secure the institutions' existence.

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