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las siete partidas

In addition, its influence is notable in the law of Spain's former colonies, including Texas, California, and Louisiana.

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Las siete partidas del rey Don Alfonso el Sabio by Castile. Wherefore, we desire in this Title to explain what use is; in what way it should be established; for what reason it gains force by time, and...The origin of laws, temporal as well as spiritual, is this, that every Christian should believe firmly that there is one true God who has neither beginning nor end, who is neither subject to limitation nor change, and has power over all things, and that the brain of man cannot understand or describe Him perfectly; and that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons and one thing, simple, without division, which is God the Father, neither created nor begotten by another, the Son begotten by the Father only, and the Holy Spirit proceeding from both of them, all three...In order to know God and to gain his love it is proper that every Christian possess in himself two things: First the Catholic Faith, in which he must believe; second the Sacraments of the Holy Church, which he must accept; for, as the soul and body make up a perfect man and Jesus Christ is both man and God, so he who believes in the Catholic Faith and accepts the Sacraments of the Holy Church is entitled to the name of Christ and is a thorough Christian. This is the case for many reasons, for she is our spiritual Mother, showing us, and guiding us along the way of salvation for souls: and she is our Mother in temporal matters, for she instructs us, and advises us to do good, and to avoid doing evil, therefore we should honor and protect her as a mother; and besides, as we are corporeal, born of our mothers, still, so far as our souls are concerned, we do not obtain salvation for them unless...All those who believe in the existence of one God should feel truly grateful, and, for the reason that He was the beginning and origin of all things, men exerted themselves to serve Him and to give Him His share of the first-fruits which He bestowed upon them. But on account of Adam’s wickedness, and the evil he did, and his want of fear of God, and his disobedience to His commands, he fell into sin by which he deserved to lose the favor of God, and to be alienated from Him, and be expelled from...Moses was a man whom God loved greatly, and for that reason He commanded him in the old law to build a tabernacle which resembled a tent, in which the children of Israel were accustomed to offer up prayer and sacrifices to God.

They did this in order that, after they had learned the facts, they might reprimand and punish those who had committed sin, and cause them to abandon it, and by that means to live a good life in this world, as well as save their souls in the next, and offer a good example to those who came after them. The Espéculo, a code of law intended for use in the royal court, and the Fuero Real, a code of municipal law meant for the towns of Castile and Extremadura, were drawn up and likely promulgated in 1254. …code Las Siete Partidas (“The Seven Divisions”), containing invaluable information on daily life, and compilations from Arabic sources on astronomy, on the magical properties of gems, and on games, especially chess. For they should not act cruelly toward them by taking larger fees, or levying greater contributions than those which the Holy Church has instituted, and ordered should be taken. In addition, its influence is notable in the law of Spain's former colonies, including Texas, California, and Louisiana. Afterwards, King Solomon, in imitation of it, built the temple of Jerusalem, which, moreover, was the first house of prayer that the Jews possessed, and from that time forward they built, and were accustomed to build houses called synagogues, in which they prayed, and offered up their sacrifices.Christians, under the new law, in imitation of the...The churches of emperors, kings, and other lords of the land enjoy certain privileges and extraordinary exemptions, and there is good reason for this, as the houses of God should receive greater honor than those of men. Therefore, since in the preceding Title we showed how churches should be built, and in what way they should be repaired, whenever it is necessary, and, also, how they are consecrated; it is proper to speak in this Title of the exemptions and privileges which they, as well as their cemeteries, enjoy.
Buy Las Siete Partidas, Volume 2: Medieval Government: The World of Kings and Warriors (Partida II): Medieval Government: The World of Kings and Warriors v. 2 (The Middle Ages Series) by Samuel Parsons Scott, S.J.

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las siete partidas