Flying a P-38J, he downed five German fighters on two separate missions over France and Germany. Fiche technique du P-38 Lightning. They were fitted with pods attached to the underwing pylons, replacing drop tanks or bombs, that could carry a single passenger in a lying-down position, or cargo. The upgraded aircraft were deployed to the Pacific as USAAC F-5A reconnaissance or P-38G fighter models, the latter used with great effect to One result of the failed British/French order was to give the aircraft its name. The P-38 was credited with destroying more Japanese aircraft than any other USAAF fighter.On 2–4 March 1943, P-38s flew top cover for 5th Air Force and Australian bombers and attack aircraft during the The Lightning figured in one of the most significant operations in the Pacific theater: the interception, on 18 April 1943, of The P-38's service record shows mixed results, which may reflect more on its employment than on flaws with the aircraft. Second Lt. Robert F. „Fred“ Elliott, 24, aus Rich Square, N.C., war am 27. So it was useless. Some observers dismissed the P-38 as an easy kill while others gave it high praise, a deadly enemy worthy of respect. Lieutenant Colonel Jack Jenkins of In the European Theater, P-38s made 130,000 sorties with a loss of 1.3% overall, comparing favorably with P-51s, which posted a 1.1% loss, considering that the P-38s were vastly outnumbered and suffered from poorly thought-out tactics. The Lockheed design office was justifiably upset, but their design engineers could only conclude that servo tabs were In 1941 flutter was a familiar engineering problem related to a too-flexible tail, but the P-38's Late in 1943, a few hundred dive flap field modification kits were assembled to give North African, European and Pacific P-38s a chance to withstand compressibility and expand their combat tactics. Losing one of two engines in any twin-engine non-On 20 September 1939, before the YP-38s had been built and flight tested, the USAAC ordered 66 initial production P-38 Lightnings, 30 of which were delivered to the (renamed) USAAF in mid-1941, but not all these aircraft were armed. On 12 June 1943, a P-38G, while flying a special mission between In a particular case when faced by more agile fighters at low altitudes in a constricted valley, Lightnings suffered heavy losses. Přejít na: navigace, hledán í. P-38F. Some of the pods were not even fitted with a window to let the passenger see out or bring in light. Dimensions, equipment and weaponry were indicated as unknown. The following 188 files are in this category, out of 188 total. The tail unit of the aircraft failed at about 3,500 ft (1,000 m) during the high-speed dive recovery; Virden was killed in the subsequent crash. A note was taped to the instrument panel of the test craft underscoring this instruction. This P-38 Lightning was built at Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, California in 1943. After his death there were vague suggestions that his disappearance was the result of suicide rather than an aircraft failure or combat loss. And the funny thing is that the Americans had great difficulty understanding this because the Lightning had the two top aces in the Far East.After evaluation tests at Farnborough, the P-38 was kept in fighting service in Europe for a while longer. They also had armored glass, cockpit armor and Many of the British order of 524 Lightning IIs were fitted with stronger F-10 Allison engines as they became available, and all were given wing pylons for fuel tanks or bombs.
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