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However, a doctor cannot predict which symptoms someone with MS will get, the severity of the symptoms, or the progression of the disease.The reason for this is that the disease attacks the myelin randomly, and the nerves that it affects can differ from person to person.Although men and women with MS often experience similar symptoms, certain factors, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and The symptoms of MS in women are similar to those in men, but they can include additional issues due to hormonal changes.MS can also affect female sexual health and bladder function differently.For many people, a vision problem is the first noticeable symptom of MS.MS can cause various vision problems, which include:People with MS develop vision problems either because their optic nerves become inflamed or because they have nerve damage in the pathways that control visual coordination and eye movement.While vision problems due to MS can be scary, most either resolve without treatment or are highly treatable.Numbness in the face, body, arms, or legs is another common symptom of MS, and it is often one of the earliest symptoms of the condition.The numbness can range from mild and barely noticeable to severe enough that it interferes with everyday activities, such as holding objects and walking.Most periods of numbness from MS resolve without medication and do not become permanently disabling.Sometimes, the cause of fatigue relates to another symptom of MS. For example, people with bladder dysfunction may sleep poorly because they have to wake throughout the night to go to the bathroom.People with MS who have nocturnal muscle spasms may not sleep well, leaving them feeling tired during the day. Das Redaktionsteam von apotheken-wissen.de informiert Sie in kleinen und wie wir hoffen interessanten und hilfreichen Gesundheitsratgebern über Themen und Nachrichten aus den Bereichen Gesundheit, Medizin, Krankheiten, Medikamente, Symptome, Behandlungen, Homöopathie, Naturprodukte, Ernährung und vitale Lebensweise. Some people with MS may also have trouble controlling their bowels when they are constipated.Acute MS pain seems to be due to problems with the nerves that help transmit sensations in the Some of the acute pain symptoms that have an association with MS include:Some of the symptoms that people with chronic MS pain may report include:Many people with MS also experience chronic pain as a secondary effect of the condition. Klicken Sie auf „Ich stimme zu“, um Cookies zu akzeptieren und direkt unsere Website besuchen zu können. Das ist bei einer Krankheit, die im Schnitt mehrere Jahrzehnte dauert, relativ kurz. Bisher lagen zur Klärung dieser Frage nur Studien mit Beobachtungszeiten von wenigen Jahren vor. Siehe dazu auch unsere Datenschutzerklärung. apotheken-wissen.de: Synapsen* Multiple Sklerose (MS), auch bekannt als Encephalomyelitis disseminata (ED): sie ist die häufigste chronisch-entzündliche Erkrankung des zentralen Nervensystems (ZNS). Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Oder erst, wenn die Krankheit effektiv diagnostiziert wurde? Die MS wird auch als „Krankheit mit den tausend Gesichtern“ bezeichnet, weil das Symptombild jedes Betroffenen unterschiedlich ist. Show off your photography skills or just share your memories with photos. MS symptoms that affect how a person walks include:There is some evidence to suggest that MS can affect women differently than men due to hormonal changes, including those that occur during:More research is necessary to draw firm conclusions, but the NMSS state that Researchers think that pregnancy has a protective effect against MS by raising the levels of compounds that help reduce Women who are pregnant also have naturally higher levels of circulating corticosteroids, another type of immunosuppressant.Although pregnancy can temporarily reduce some MS symptoms, flare-ups tend to return in the first While being pregnant can temporarily reduce the risk of flare-ups, pregnancy also puts a lot of physical In addition, some of the medications that people use for MS are not safe to take during pregnancy and can worsen symptoms.Anyone with MS who is pregnant or planning to become pregnant should discuss their medications with their doctor.Some MS symptoms that pregnancy often exacerbates include:MS symptoms may worsen after menopause, possibly because declining However, it is difficult to tell whether MS symptoms worsen because of menopause or just as a natural result of aging or the progression of the condition.Much more research is necessary to understand the relationship between menopause and MS symptoms.While the symptoms above are the most common, MS affects everyone differently.

Pinyin Keyboard Special characters ... erste Anzeichen: Examples/ definitions with source references: Francis is also feeling the beginnings of a backlash. Less common symptoms of MS include:MS is an autoimmune disease that randomly affects parts of the central nervous system, resulting in unpredictable physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms.Although MS tends to affect more women than men, it usually causes similar symptoms. Beispiel Analyse und Statistik: Diese Cookies messen und werten aus, welche Funktionen, Inhalte und Produkte unserer Seite besonders genutzt werden und für unsere Besucher besonders interessant sind. „Einige Betroffene weisen dadurch auch einen unsicheren Gang auf und stolpern vermehrt. J.

We also cover diagnosis and treatment.According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), at least Overall, MS seems to affect men and women similarly. For Sale L046 zebra plecs. Offering forums, vocabulary trainer and language courses.

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