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mistral wind entstehung

This clarity of the air and light is one of the features that attracted many French impressionist and post-impressionist artists to the South of France.The mistral has the reputation of bringing good health, since the dry air dries stagnant water and the mud, giving the mistral the local name The sunshine and dryness brought by the mistral have an important effect on the local vegetation. Für die einen ist Mistral ein nur im Rhônetal wehender Nordwest-Wind.

Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Der Wind entsteht durch in den Mittelmeerraum einströmende Polarluft. In the centre is the Château d'If The mistral (Catalan: Mestral) is a strong, cold and usually dry regional wind in France, coming from the north or northwest, which accelerates when it passes through the valleys of the Rhone and the Durance Rivers to the coast of the Mediterranean around the Camargue region. It is caused by a thermal depression over the interior of Provence (The Var and Alpes de Haute-Provence), created when the land is overheated. )Internet site of Meteo France, article on the mistral.Wunsch, Carl. The mistral also blows away the dust, and makes the air particularly clear, so that during the mistral it is possible to see mountains 150 kilometres (93 miles) and farther away. The vegetation in Provence, which is already dry because of the small amount of rainfall, is made even drier by the wind, which makes it particularly susceptible to fires, which the wind spreads very rapidly, sometimes devastating vast expanses of mountainside before being extinguished. This creates a flow of air from the north toward the east of Provence. It does not blow for more than a single day, but it is feared in Provence, because it dries the vegetation and it can spread forest fires. If this low-pressure area moves back toward the southeast, the mistral will quickly clear the air and the good weather will return; but if the cold-weather front continues to approach the land, bad weather will continue for several days in the entire Mediterranean basin, sometimes transforming into what French meteorologists call an The summer mistral, unlike the others, is created by purely local conditions. B. an der Côte d’Azur, eigentlich keinen Mistral geben. The good weather is confined to the coast of the Mediterranean, while it can rain in the interior. Nach einigen Stunden oder gar Tagen kann er sich zu einem starken bis stürmischen Wind entwickeln, der aus nordwestlicher Richtung über Wenn ein Tief über Nordfrankreich in Richtung Osten abzieht, ist die klassische Ausgangslage für den Mistral gegeben. The Côte d'Azur generally has a clear sky and warmer temperatures. (2015). The position of the low-pressure front creates a flow of air from the northwest or the northeast, channeled through the Rhône Valley. During the summer, thousands of hectares can burn when the mistral is blowing. The mistral is not always synonymous with clear skies. The Mistral wind is behind all of Provence's weather patterns © Vincent Ducheman/Shutterstock Many of the things to see and do revolve completely around the sunny weather. The wind can blow for more than a week. Die Alpen und Cevennen bilden eine Blockade, so dass die kalte … (see external links. Die Bezeichnung „Mistral“ wird vor allem in Verbindung mit der Ein besonderes Kennzeichen der provençalischen Architektur sind die schmiedeeisernen Der Mistral kann zuerst recht sanft und durch die Landmasse noch aufgewärmt und deshalb warm wehen. Der Mistral und seine Entstehung. Excavations at the prehistoric site called A Fête du Vent (Festival of Wind) is held periodically on the Prado Beach in Marseille.World Wind Regimes – Mediterranean Mistral Tutorial,U.S. It is most common in the winter and spring, and strongest in the transition between the two seasons. Demnach kann es weiter östlich, z. When the flow of air comes from the northeast due to a widespread low pressure area over the Atlantic and atmospheric disturbances over France, the air is even colder at both high altitudes and ground level, and the mistral is even stronger, and the weather worse, with the creation of cumulus clouds bringing weak storms. Er kann zuerst recht sanft und durch die Landmasse noch aufgewärmt und deshalb warm wehen. Den sehr starken Mistral nennt man auch Die Definition von Mistral bei den Provenzalen ist uneinheitlich. The mistral regularly affects the weather in Sardinia and sometimes also affects the weather in North Africa, The mistral played an important part in the life and culture of Provence from the beginning. The mistral helps explain the unusually sunny climate (2700 to 2900 hours of sunshine a year) and clarity of the air of Provence. Der Wind entsteht durch in den Die typische Mistralwetterlage wird geprägt von hohem Luftdruck über der Ein Indiz für den sehr plötzlich einsetzenden Mistral sind die sehr auffälligen Die Provenzalen kennen 32 Winde aus allen Himmelsrichtungen, und der Mistral ist der direkt aus Nordwest wehende Wind. Periods of the wind exceeding 30 km/h (19 mp… It usually happens in July, and only in the valley of the Rhône and on the coast of Provence. The mistral usually blows in winter or spring, though it occurs in all seasons. Head to one of the amazing local vineyards that profit from the sunshine. Most importantly, find a body of water. Die Provenzalen kennen 32 Winde aus allen Himmelsrichtungen und der Mistral ist der direkt aus NW wehende Wind. Strong, cold, dry and squally northerly wind that blows offshore with great frequency along the Mediterranean coast from northern Spain to northern Italy, and that is particularly frequent in the lower Rhone valley in south-eastern France blowing way out into the Golfe du Lion. This kind of mistral is weaker in the east of Provence and the Côte d'Azur. Naval Research Laboratory, Marine Meteorologial Divisio (Definition from the Website of Meteo France, the national weather service of the French government. Modern Observational Physical Oceanography: Understanding the Global Ocean. Der Mistral ist ein katabatischer Wind, also ein kalter, oft starker Fallwind, aus nordwestlicher Richtung, der sich im unteren Rhonetal (und darüber hinaus) bemerkbar macht. When other parts of France have clouds and storms, Provence is rarely affected for long, since the mistral quickly clears the sky.

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mistral wind entstehung