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playa del carmen sicherheit

We want people to enjoy visiting or living in Playa Del Carmen. We have a lot of responsibility when we travel but many people don’t think about that. I come every year and never have had any problems.

Hopig we have a great experience.That area is on the far north end of Playa Del Carmen. Part is petty crime and part is bad skills. We have also rented a condo within walking distance of Avenida Quinta and planned car rental for a day. We would venture and say that 90% of the drugs taken are by tourist. This was not true. We welcome people to express their views. For the people who are saying Playa is full of drugs and crimes and violence, just look outside your own backyards and neighbourhoods and I bet the crime rate is double. Safety is the upmost concern on our mind.

Safety comes into play when your take drugs or do something while on drugs.Thank you for your honest evaluation of the safety issues in Playa Del Carmen.

How much of a gamble is it?Thank you so much for reading the website! The area you have rented in is pretty much all local and a super market will be far away. He tried to charge me $40, I bargained him to $35 and thought I was getting a deal. We never rent a car because the taxis and bus service is outstanding and quite affordable. This happened within days of the shooting at the night club in Playa del Carma.

Locals told us that the cartels run 5th Ave now and that is the reason for the increase in drug pushers.We are sorry to hear you had a bad experience in Playa Del Carmen.

If no one took drugs then there would be no drug cartels, If no one bought made in china souvenirs, it would keep alive local crafts and artisans if people bought them. There are issues now but are like many tourist destinations and cities in the United States, Canada or Europe. As you might know there is always good dose of caution in the US State Department warnings.

Its the tourists that bring with them big money and treat the place as a once in a lifetime holiday, but forget about the families after them, or just dont care. You can find them in many stores here.I know Playa del Carmen has problems and I wish there would be more consiquenses for the criminals. It was not well written, from one perspective, and had inaccuracies in the article. We are not saying there are problems but over all, our guide here stands for itself.I am going to Playa Del Carmen next week. Be especially cautious at tourists restaurants.There have been some reports of pickpocketing at grocery stores.

Dazwischen gibt es keine Meinung.

I saw another scamp involving dope. Most every Mexican is very accepting of Americans and know that the government is not really the thoughts of the people coming. The best solution is our tourism dollars. A lot of drugs, cartel, crime and violence. My question is..is it dangerous to drive around on our own and is it safe for us to lodge away from resorts?

Sie schützen die kriminellen Gruppen.“ Der regierende Minister in Quintana Roo, Carlos Joaquín González, hatte der organisierten Kriminalität den Kampf angesagt, und sah darin laut „BBC“ den Grund für die neue Gewaltwelle in Cancún: „Die Gangster waren daran gewöhnt, dass ihre Untaten nicht nur nicht bestraft, sondern gar toleriert wurden.“Im „Paradisus Hotel“ in Cancún, einem der besten Etablissements am Ort, gab man sich dennoch nicht beunruhigt: „Gewalt und Probleme gibt es doch überall“, sagte ein Hotel-Sprecher zu TRAVELBOOK. Thank you for this site.

I am visiting the area in a few weeks with my family and have spoken to my children (who are not of drinking age) to not accept any drinks or food from anyone. I had problems with corrupt cops in Cancun years ago and was robbed and almost shot by a couple of real scumbag cops in Tijuana.

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playa del carmen sicherheit