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ifsg §6 corona

According to Sec. 1 sent. That is what these dark forces want. Since many of us do not trust politicians and corporate media as well as certain social institutions, friendship with trustworthy fellow human beings and the practised mutual help becomes of ever greater and vital importance for each of us.Note to readers: please click the share buttons above or below.

5 sent.
By nature, these businesses and institutions have a high risk of getting in contact with persons with an infectious disease.However, this can also be assumed for other businesses.If short time work is introduced, we recommend that in these cases a respective claim for compensation according to Sec. 1 IfSG) employees in both cases are entitled to a compensation payment from the state for the loss of earnings for a period of six weeks.In this case the employer makes advance payments, thus operates as a kind of “paying agent” (Sec.

1 and 2 IfSG, because there is a general risk of infection regarding the entire business or individual groups of employees, the employer may still be obliged to continue to pay the contractual remuneration based on the so-called business risk theory – as far as employees are willing and able to work.This is down the fact, that generally employers always bear the operational risk resulting from official measures – here the shut down of a business – if the risk of the respective official measure regarding the business was caused by its special nature or had to be considered. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. 2 German Infection Protection Act (IfSG) because he has already fallen ill or because there is a suspicion of infection.

56 IfSG is filed.If there is an obligation to pay remuneration based on the aforementioned circumstances, but employers are actually unable to continue to employ all or some of their staff due to official shut downs of businesses, supply stops or other similar circumstances, there is the possibility of As part of their package of measures aiming at supporting businesses coping with the Corona crisis the German government has made available €20 billion as emergency aid. Which states and institutions are responsible for participating in this “sinister coup”? However, in this context please note that it always depends on the individual case. In connection with the spreading Corona virus and the most recent measures taken by the German government we want to inform you – in addition to the information we have published on the Corona virus so far – about the employers’ continued payment obligations.In the following please find an overview of the most important possible scenarios. It is urgent to think beyond the day and look ahead. 56 IfSG there is a claim for compensation.A quarantined employee is not “ill” within the means of to the German Continued Remuneration Law (EFZG) so that there is no entitlement to continued remuneration in the event of illness.Also in this case the employer generally has to make advance payments.If a business is technically in the position to continue their business, however employees can’t work due to the lack of orders, missing raw materials or problems with suppliers, employers are generally obliged to continue paying the contractual wages without any restrictions (Sec.

Within the framework of necessary protective measures, the fundamental right of personal freedom (Article 2 (2) sentence 2 GG) and the freedom of assembly (Article 8 GG) can also be restricted (§ 16 … 3 German Continued Remuneration Law (EFZG) an employee is entitled to continued remuneration payment due to illness for a period of six weeks.This does not apply if an employee, who has fallen ill with the Corona virus is also banned from work under Sec. What role do the superpowers China, USA and Russia play?Interestingly enough, China is now experiencing a decline in the number of infections and deaths. 3 IfSG). 2 German Infection Protection Act (IfSG) because he has already fallen ill or because there is a suspicion of infection.Due to the ban to work (Sec.

Our colleagues will publish more detailed information on this topic in the coming days. Do we want to “drag” the current political system, seize power in the world and distract some of the world’s citizens from this geopolitical event? 56 sec. 6. aggravating orders of the local health authorities in connection with the containment of the corona pandemic remain unaffected. 56 sec.

The IfSG [Infektionsschutzgesetz] allows, among other things, restrictions of basic rights (§16 IfSG), such as the right to inviolability of the home (Article 13 (1) GG). As a result of the quarantine a ban to work is issued by the authorities.

7 This General Order is immediately enforceable pursuant to Section 28 Paragraph 3 in conjunction with Section 16 Paragraph 8 IfSG. 6. aggravating orders of the local health authorities in connection with the containment of the corona pandemic remain una ffected.

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