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swakopmund skeleton coast

We caught up on emails, we did our laundry, and gave Dave a rest from gripping the steering wheel and trying to keep us alive.Sounds like a cool way to explore Namibia. How much more do you have to write about Namibia? We are doing a bit of a whistle Stop tour given work holiday restrictions so have Etosha, Swapkopmund and Sossouvlei all in a week, so planning a lot of driving (4×4 thankfully). I was about to find out.On our first full day in Swakopmund, we drove to nearby Walvis Bay and made our way to the We’ll take small groups of tourists over luxury any day of the week.We paid 700 NAD (55 USD) each for our three hours on the water, which included lunch, some of the best oysters of my life, a glass of sherry, and unlimited rounds of champagne, beer, and soft drinks. All rights reserved. I always love your super colorful photos. I felt guilty that Dave was doing all of the driving in Namibia for the 50th time since landing in the country, but I also knew that if I’d taken over the wheel, we would already be dead.I wouldn’t have been surprised to discover the driver of this car gave up on life half-way to Swakopmund and threw a match at their vehicle.I knew battling our way through the sand would be worth it, though, because it was leading us to the eerie Skeleton Coast. It wasn’t And hey, it gives me one more reason to return to Namibia. It definitely wasn’t crowded with tours.Heading to Swakopmund in a few days and stumbled upon this post. 1. On Never Ending Footsteps, I show you how you can explore this planet safely, adventurously, and affordably. Seeing so many tens of thousands of seals in their natural habitat was a special experience that I doubt you could find in many places around the world. If there’s a way for tour companies to make money from these wild surroundings, you can bet they’re already offering it to tourists.I can imagine peeing myself with excitement over this town had I been on a multi-month overland trip across Africa, where joys like these had been rare. I think that tour be also be a highlight for me!I couldn’t believe how weird they sounded! I loved the dozens of different oyster options you got along the coast.

I thought we’d be able see the seals from the shore. Sun, Sea and Shipwrecks - Skeleton Coast National Park husband and I are currently tooling around Namibia in our small Ford Fiesta. If you want to see wrecks then a scenic flight from Swakopmund is your best bet. One which straddles the ocean and the desert like a tightrope from Swakopmund through the Recreation Area. I hadn’t until that moment, and oh my god, they sound just like angry men shouting at each other. Are seals really that exciting, though? Lol. The Skeleton Coast, which extends north of Swakopmund all the way to the Angola border, is a vast, desolate stretch of coastline where the Atlantic meets the desert. We’ve been driving a truck across Africa for four weeks now and some home comforts sound more than a little amazing. Could you give me the name of the company you went with? I didn’t realize that what a seal sounds like! March was out of season, unfortunately, but I barely noticed the lack of sealife, because, well, there were thousands of seals flinging themselves out of the water around us.Unfortunately, at that point, a tour boat full of rowdy football fans appeared and they began loudly jeering across the water at–Have you ever heard the sound a seal makes? Even the street names are still in German. Would love to visit this place someday, thanks for the share. It may have even topped being surrounded by hundreds of thousands of seals.It was the perfect end to a perfect morning, and I raised my arms in the air and high-fived myself for having evaded nausea while out on the bay.Our tour had been just what we had been looking for in our time in Swakopmund. Lovely! This is the best example I could find online.What the hell, right?! In 2010 this … Exploring Namibia involves long driving days and little rest, so to have three days in the town and to do little aside from the catamaran cruise was bliss. The best calamari I have ever had was in South Africa – must be a southern Africa thing :)Kaikoura is on my list of places to visit early next year! It was slow going, and the clinks and clunks and rattling of the car had us with our podcasts at full volume and still only hearing half of what was said. Hahaha! I suspect you’ll love Swakopmund then, Natalie.

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swakopmund skeleton coast