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revell aida blu

€ Revell has the right offer for model makers of all ages. Revell AIDA Blu Build.

AIDA combines cruising € Explore the world of the most beautiful smile on the high seas! This kit is AWESOME but quite labor intensive if you want to do a great job.AIDA Cruise lines is based in Germany and is owned by Carnival Cruises.

Need really steady hands for this, or you need to be crazy about cruise ships. (AIDA Cruise lines, German division of Carnival Cruises) For those of you who have been following my build of the AIDA Blu Cruise Ship model, I have finally completed the painting of the 498 cabin balcony floors and applied most of the decals to the lifeboats and to the port side of the hull. A personal photographic "journal" of building the Revell AIDA Blu 1:400 scale plastic cruise ship.

2,09 A personal photographic "journal" of building the Revell AIDA Blu 1:400 scale plastic cruise ship.

This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. AIDAblu is the first cruise ship to have its own onboard brewery! *


EUR 49,33 +EUR 43,84 Versand. !Does anybody know anything about the different window-configuration between Luna and Blu?

AIDA (blu, sol, mar, stella) - Entdecken Sie die Welt mit dem schönsten Lächeln der Meere!

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