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uss cv 16

This, coupled with the ship's dark blue camouflage scheme, led the crew to refer to her as "The Blue Ghost". After training maneuvers and a shakedown cruise, Lexington joined the Fifth Fleet at Pearl Harbor. The USS Lexington, CV-16, was commissioned on February 17, 1943. レキシントン (USS Lexington, CV-16) は、アメリカ海軍の航空母艦。 エセックス級航空母艦としては2番目に就役した。 アメリカ海軍においてレキシントンの名を受け継いだ艦としては5隻目にあたり、珊瑚海海戦で戦没した四代目の名を引き継いだ。. Most notable among these are 5"/38 DP gun turrets saved from the scrapping of the heavy cruiser There were rumors during the war that the ship was so badly … USS LEXINGTON was the eighth ESSEX - class aircraft carrier. One of the carrier's first casualties was 1939 Heisman Trophy winner A surprise fighter strike on Saipan on 11 June virtually eliminated all air opposition over the island, then battered it from the air for the next 5 days. The USS LEXINGTON, CV-16, is a World War II-vintage Essex Class aircraft carrier.

planned as USS Cabot; renamed Lexington while under construction.
During World War II, the carrier participated in nearly every major operation in the Pacific Theater and spent a total of 21 months in combat. Here you can download the USS LEXINGTON (CVT 16) Cruise Book 1972 as a high resolution .pdf file. Renamed June 16 1942, to honor USS LEXINGTON CV-2 (lost one month earlier at the Battle of the Coral Sea), thus becoming the fifth U.S. warship to bear the name of the town in Massachusetts where Minutemen fought a detachment of British troops April 19 1775, opening the Revolutionary War with the "shot heard round the world." STATUS: On 16 June, After replenishing at Ulithi, TG 58.2 sailed on 10 February to hit airfields near Tokyo on 16 February 1945,After hostilities ended, her aircraft continued to fly air patrols over Japan, and dropped supplies to prisoner of war camps on Honshū. Builder: Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Fore River Shipyard, Quincy, Massachusetts, USA. uss 렉싱턴 (cv-16) ... (cva-16)로 분류가 변경되었고 1955년에는 근대화개수로서 증기캐터펄트의 탑재나 착함설비를 갱신하는 scb-27c개장, 비행갑판의 엘리베이터 이설과 경사갑판화를 실시하는 scb-125개장을 동시에 받았다.

Redesignated as attack aircraft carrier CVA 16 on October 1, 1952, and antisubmarine warfare aircraft carrier CVS 16 on October 1, 1962, the LEXINGTON was chosen to replace the The photos below were taken by Matze Lange during a visit to the preserved USS LEXINGTON at Corpus Christi, Tx.

先代の愛称「レディ・レックス」も …

Der Neubau CV-16 wurde am 15. You will be able to zoom in to better read names etc.

in service as CV 16, CVA 16, CVS 16, CVT 16 and finally AVT 16. All CVA, CVS, CVT and AVT shipmates are welcome.. In December she was used to ferry home servicemen in what was known as Following overhaul at Bremerton, her refresher training was interrupted by the On 15 June 1992, the ship was donated as a museum and now operates as the The ship's World War II-era gun battery is also being partially restored using guns salvaged from scrapped ships. USS LEXINGTON was the eighth ESSEX - class aircraft carrier. Commissioned in February of 1943, the ship was named in honor of the previous ship USS Lexington (CV-2), which had been sunk in the Battle of the Coral Sea the previous year.

CV 16 / CVA 16 / CVS 16 - USS Lexington . Initially named CABOT, the carrier was renamed LEXINGTON on June 16, 1942, to honor CV 2, making CV 16 the fifth ship in the Navy to bear the name. The newer Lexington measures 872 feet in overall length, and carried 110 aircraft and a complement of 2,600 officers and men. Die USS Lexington (CV-16) (später CVA-16, CVS-16, CVT-16 und AVT-16) ist ein Flugzeugträger der Essex-Klasse und stand von 1943 bis 1991 im Dienst der United States Navy Geschichte Bau und Indienststellung.
WELCOME ABOARD USS Lexington CV 16 Association shipmates.

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