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messerschmitt bf 109e

Visibility is described as excellent, albeit the view forward is impaired by the long nose and cowling fairings. Bf 109Es even took part in the Spanish Civil War with the Condor Legion. The Bf 109 was available in such large quantitative figures during the war that it bore the brunt of all aerial warfare for the German Luftwaffe - seeing combat actions in the Spanish Civil War, the invasion of Europe proper, the Battle of Britain, the Mediterranean Campaign, the North African Campaign, the West front and the East Front.

09109 | 1:48 Oil pressure is an immediate concern, and this will often sit high outside its green range if the aircraft has been started “cold”; as oil and engine temperatures increase, pressure will gradually lower into the normal range as the oil thins.

To mitigate against this, pre-flight preparation includes removing the plugs at the end of the induction tubing and turning the propeller through by hand to drain oil from the system.

“One of his tips was to slowly increase the power and let the tail come up of its own accord, to avoid putting too much pressure on the undercarriage.

With hindsight, we can recognise factors influencing the reputation and identify how to mitigate against these in modern day operation.John Romain was at the forefront of that movement.

That, John says, “Reduces the ‘give’ on the left leg on take-off and landing. Systems and electrics are switched off, then – relief!John has amassed many thousands of hours’ experience flying vintage aircraft over more than three decades, ranging from First World War biplanes to late-war radial fighters.

A quadrant to the pilot’s left contains the throttle lever and electric propeller control.

The Spitfire was infinitely superior to the Messerschmitt, and so long as one remained in the turn, the enemy pilot could not bring his guns to bear. Accordingly, the starting handle is pulled to engage the flywheel to the engine, and the magnetos selected on as the engine fires.

Even as the German invasion of the Soviet Union was underway, work began on yet another improved type - the Bf 109G model.

Once the airspeed has increased and it’s calmed down a little, advance the throttle and let the aircraft fly itself off the ground.

Amazingly, the type continued production for another decade after the end of the war in 1945 and was even selected as the primary fighter for the growing Israeli Air Force. The rocker switch on the throttle quadrant is then used to adjust the propeller blade angle to 12:00 (full fine) on the “clock” for start-up with the propeller in ‘manual’. If needs be, use the rudder to re-centre the slip ball – you don’t want to risk landing with side-slip, overloading the undercarriage and folding a gear leg at relatively high-speed.”  At around 50 ft, the throttle is closed and the angle-of-attack increases as the aircraft settles into a three-point attitude for a gentle descent to touch-down. It’s a learned technique, and thank goodness there are people who have experienced it and have done that themselves – it’s nice not to have to go through a steep learning curve before you learn it yourself”.Uniquely for a V12 engine, the “inverted vee” design of the DB 600 series causes oiling issues in the lowermost engine components, requiring considerably more preventive maintenance than contemporary power plants such as the Rolls-Royce Merlin. To identify any single type as a favourite seems churlish, but his affection for the Bf 109, and the esteem in which he holds the classic E model, is abundantly clear. “You’re very conscious of that before and during any flight.”  Sympathetic engine management translates in-flight to conservative power settings and gentle power changes. You’re getting into something that really needs your attention, and if you give the aircraft that attention, it’ll fly well and you’ll enjoy it. Manifold pressure (MAP) is measured in atmospheres, marked as ‘ATA’ on the MAP gauge and indicated in tenths of an atmosphere, from 0.6 to 1.8 ATA, with 1 ATA equating to 0psi boost or 30in Hg. * Ribbons not necessarily indicative of actual historical campaign ribbons. Be the first to write a review. “I was told it always wants to ground loop, should never be flown in a crosswind, overheats very quickly, handles horribly and will lull you into a false sense of security on landing – that didn’t exactly paint a positive picture of an aircraft I had long admired!”He is one of few pilots to accumulate extensive experience on both Bf 109s of different marks and Spanish-built Merlin-powered Buchóns, amounting to nearly 300 hours’ flying time over more than a decade. The throttle is cracked by ¾ of an inch and the radiator doors are cranked fully open – coolant temperature rises quickly on the ground, albeit not to the extent of an early Spitfire.

Gruppenkommandeur Adolf Galland — III/JG26, France, September 1940. Shut-down is as straightforward as start-up – simply clear the spark plugs at 1500 rpm, settle the engine at idle power and pull the idle cut-off. All that does is increase the drag and the engine is then working harder – coolant temperature will drop, but oil temperature will actually increase as a result. They all have their unique traits and often the enjoyment depends on what you’re doing with them.”He continues: “I have always enjoyed the Bf 109s, though.

3,300 ft/min (1,006 m/min)

A Spitfire will generally look after you if you’re tired – it talks to you, and is far more forgiving. At a three-point attitude it should settle on the ground, and it doesn’t tend to dance around too much.“The lesson is to calm down and see what happens”, says Romain. Airspeed and energy decay rapidly in the ascent due to the high wing loading and drag from the under wing radiators, and unlike the Spitfire and Buchón, successive looping manoeuvres are not possible; in the air display environment, expect to see a marked loss in energy after a single Cuban-eight. His introduction to the Bf 109E came in the late-1990s as he worked alongside Ed Russell to broker the deal for the Russell Aviation Group’s acquisition of rare Bf 109E-4 Wk-Nr 3579 ‘White 14’, a former 1.

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messerschmitt bf 109e