But the language does not tell that -- it´s the context. Ein „paar“ hingegen (klein geschrieben) sind mehrere. But if the person you ask knows, how many guests there are, you might mean two or three or four.
I should have added a smiley. Und ein paar sind so viele, wie man benötigt, um das weiterzumachen, was man grade halt so macht. Es ist also gut möglich, dass früher mit "ein paar" Dingen "ungefähr zwei" gemeint war. Is there really a reason to draw a line between 10 and 11?
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This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. (in Bezug auf Tiere) sich … 1b. Die Wissenschaft liefert hier ein paar Antworten, die das US-Portal Business Insider zusammengefasst hat. E s ist ein ewiges Thema, das die Menschen beunruhigt: Habe ich genug Sex?Im Vergleich mit anderen? These cookies do not store any personal information.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. There are not many things that are handled in pairs - like shoes, sausages, socks, etc., so they are mostly the exceptions you can learn, when you are asked for "ein paar".The most frequent usage is a number you can count on one or two hands depending on the object. @TheBlastOne: good point - compare it to "Ein paar Sekunden früher ins Ziel und du wärst erster gewesen" which would not be sarcastic. Pointing that out resulted in two downvotes, one of which is still present.
Erst nach mehreren Warmlaufphasen ist der Orgasmus erlaubt. Wie viele ist nicht ganz klar, aber es sind mehr als zwei. schwaches Verb – 1a.
Über den Sprint kann ich meine Persönlichkeit ausdrücken und mich verwirklichen», beschreibt Wicki. This can easily be half a dozen or ten as well.But since "a few" doesn't have a mathematical definition, I interpreted the question to be asking "What will people think you mean?
Wie oft ist Masturbieren gesund? The origin of the word "drei" (3) is - as far as my teachers told me - the word "mehr".How much you really mean with "ein paar" depends on the context I think. Könntest du noch angeben, woher du diese Definition (2 bis 6 Dinge) hast? Ein Paar sind ganz genau zwei seiner Art.
It's 100% free, no registration required.It’s pretty clear that “ein Paar Schuhe” is exactly two. At least I never heard of male or female Zettel. @StefanoPalazzo: "Ein Paar Handschuhe" always means two, but "ein paar Handschuhe" can mean more of them. A family father says:As you can see in the most cases it means "about five".I believe “ein paar“ is a very ambiguous term. Nor do I accept the general idea, that 'paar' means neccessaraly 'more than 3'.unknown, agree, yet I neither made any of those three points.You would always use "Ein paar Zettel" (lower case), because Zettel don't come in pairs. Falls Sie nicht einverstanden sind, können sie das abstellen. I would not absolutely exclude two in a situation where the speaker does not know the exact number, but if someone gave me a package and said "Ich habe ein paar Kekse für dich eingepackt. Start here for a quick overview of the site
But it's been a while since I lived in Germany.This might have the historical background that at the beginning there only were four words for the number of things: "keines" (0), "eins" (1), "zwei" (2) oder "mehr" (>2). Anybody can ask a question
sich zu einem Paar verbinden, … Zum vollständigen Artikel → paarmal. Für mich ist es eine Lebensphilosophie. There had been a definition (2-6 things/Dinge), but in modern times people use the term for 2-how many I need it to mean.Thanks for contributing an answer to German Language Stack Exchange! Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Für mich ist Sprint viel mehr, als nur ein paar Sekunden rennen.
But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience.Diese Website benutzt Cookies um die Benutzung zu vereinfachen.
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