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wows henri iv legendary upgrade

Well you could. The new legendary upgrade is designed to remedy this issue and reinforce Henry in her role as a cruiser that constantly maintains pressure on the enemy. I am financially challenged at the moment so I cant purchase some of them in the Armory. The benefit to getting the UU for Henry IV is stacking with reload boost in slot 6 or taking something else in slot 6 and getting the reload at the expense of some concealment. The Henri IV Unique Upgrade gives -10% main gun reload, +5% main gun firing range, +10% detectability Let’s take a closer look and explore the pros and cons of the new upgrades, which will occupy slot 5 or 6, depending on the specific ship. [THESO] It is easy to dodge the salvos, they have more than 10 seconds flight time. Henri sits at 19-20km and hits almost every shell. After some time your priority target counter stays at zero, they get bored and look for targets that they can hit. I hate to drop the 10% cammo on her.

Huge fan of tanks and World War II history. Additionally, it is basically impossible with the legendary module to manoeuvre into position about 13-14km from a battleship and then open up with the reload booster whilst sailing away from them.

Maybe it helps if you zoom out one notch when in binocular view. Optimal Configuration Upgrades. This tactic and Legendary module works just as good in Ranked as in Randoms. Since the concealment would be so bad, you should either go for MBM1 in slot 6 for 9.5s main gun reload and never lift your finger off the mouse or GFCSM1 for 23.9km of range in slot 6 and rarely lift your finger off the mouse.

General opinion seems to be that the legendary module for Henri should normally be fitted.

I think I misinterpreted the unique upgrade. You NEVER sit at 13km from enemy BBs, then Stevie Wonder can hit you. A 10% hit rate on 200 incoming shells is going to be more damaging than a 10% hit rate on 100 incoming shells after all. My issue is that, even for a mid-long range kiter/spammer like Henri, ideally you want to avoid being shot at if you can. Now, I'll have to think about it.

Ill get to the Conqueror this weekend, probably gonna use it in Clan Battle next week. In clan battles/ranked you are useless with 15/17 km of concealment.

We want the legendary upgrades to add to the variability of ship loadouts while keeping ships in balance with each other, even if one ship has the legendary upgrade and another does not.To obtain a legendary upgrade, you’ll have to complete a chain of combat missions in that ship. I have not yet used IFHE, because I just used a 10 point Azuma captain and went for other skills first, but might get an IFHE build towards the end. Any such run has to start from ~16km with the module fitted, which makes for a significant reduction in shells landed. In Henri you go to enemys strong flank, park facing away from them engage speedboost and then just play with throttle while burning down their entire push.


The Unique Upgrade does make the concealment worse.

You set 2 fires on a BB, see him repair, use reload booster to set 3 permafires on him, watch him run away, and then do it to a new guy. So I find I get shot at far more with it fitted. . as that is what the henri is: a bait boat.

Take a second to support The Daily Bounce - WoT & WoWS News, leaks, and more! The guns, the 240mm/50 Mle 1902, were later used as coastal artillery after the ships were broken up, and served during the Second World War, notably in the Battle of Dakar.

Some have said the new meta, with 2 CVs per battle has made concealment somewhat irrelevant. Proposed update 9.5 SuperTest changes which may change until they are officially released. The upgrade was too effective. The problem is making sure they stay visible during that time.

After some time your priority target counter stays at zero, they get bored and look for targets that they can hit. Increased Firing Elevation of Artillery (X Henri IV, Slot 5): Bonus to the main battery reload time was reduced from 12 to 10%; Any such run has to start from ~16km with the module fitted, which makes for a significant reduction in shells landed. I just unlock Henri IV few days ago (my first and only Tier X), make some games with her to understand the ship.

you want the henri's secret?

Since you can be spotted from the Moon, might as well make so you can be seen from Mars too. I was hoping that these threads would collect various opinions with detailed reasoning for people to use to make their own decisions, but only a few have been responded to. However, the legendary upgrades are mounted into existing slots and have balancing parameters. I can't tell you about the Henri IV as I'm still on Algerie, sorry. 10.8 second main gun reload and use slot 6 MBM3 and reload is 9.5 second with traverse going to 37.6s from 32.7s The recommended upgrades for Henri IV are as follows: . Tanking 3-3,5 Million ammunition damage in a 53000 HP cruiser like Henri is a breeze. Henri IV Increased Firing Elevation of Artillery mod slot 5 Unique (Legendary) Upgrade

I thought the upgrade made your concealment worse (+10%) which made it a horrible option (especially if that was on top of not taking the concealment upgrade). 1.

Since you can be spotted from the Moon, might as well make so you can be seen from Mars too. Able to just laugh in every other BB's face... from safe distance 
125000. And with IFHE you double laugh at Stalin / Moskva. Third.

–18% to main battery loading time 2.

It melts German BBs. I'm wondering if I'm missing something here, and what other peoples' experiences with the legendary module for Henri are. In 8.0, Jan 2019, the CE skill changed to a flat -10% for any ship, so UU, CE & Camo went from 15.9km to 16.1km, CE & camo went from 14.1km to 14.5km and CE, CE module, & camo went from 12.7km to 13km. On 3/25/2019 at 7:52 PM, Bear_Necessities said: With speed boost active you can just sit and alternate forward and reverse to dodge everything.

IV - Path of the Tiger (Tier 2 Troop Upgrade): This upgrades your Tier 2 troops, making them much stronger.

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wows henri iv legendary upgrade