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wows roon build

Now go back to EL and DCFCA. Since cruisers' function is largely centered around DPM, AR can be hugely beneficial to them. It is useful?

I take MAM1, HSM1, AAGM2, PM2, SGM3, and GFCM2. Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registered They used to have an insane firechance, but WG nerfed that a few patches ago. The greatest asset of secondaries is fire density, as the comically inaccurate Mikasa shows. For the rest, both EM and AR do little, but I agree with everyone above that AR might have a small advantage. General WoWs Discussion ; Discussions about Warships ; Cruisers ; German Cruisers ; My Roon build Sign in to follow this . Unlike her predecessor, the ship was larger in size and carried considerably reinforced AA armament. As brawling seems to be the core gameplay of them, a secondary build coupled with survivabiliy looks essential. They can be a lot of fun though, and sometimes they're even decent, so if you're feeling for a manly game of WoWs, go for it. World of Warships Germany Tech Tree. My build for the Hindenburg is the same. In particular, thank you for not taking EM. Kapitänsfertigkeiten in World of Warships haben großen Einfluss auf euer Schiff. As you've pointed out, EL is great on KM cruisers since you're constantly changing shell types, and DC is great to boost spotting and AA. World of Warships ROON Review.

Hi! World of Warships New Germany Tech Tree / Cruiser Line Review. I want the extra AA since I mount the KM hydro and not DF. You haven't said you have basic firing training or adrenaline rush — try adding those to your build.

But hear me out: Take PT, AR, DE, CE first. From my empirical experience that both EM and AR have negligible effect on ships that have fast-rotating turrets. 152mm : 6 = 25,33333333 ~ 25mm which means the Cleveland can penetrate 24mm of armour. DE sounds like a good idea. Aren't thoses kind of build mandatory for the German BB's ? At half HP you'll have 20% shorter reload on secondaries (at least I assume AR affects secondaries), equal to what the upgrade offers, giving a 40% reduction in total. ---------------Rileva linguaAfrikaansAlbaneseAmaricoAraboArmenoAzerbaigianoBascoBengaleseBielorussoBirmanoBosniacoBulgaroCatalanoCebuanoCecoChirghisoCinese (semplificato)Cinese (tradizionale)CoreanoCorsoCroatoCurdoDaneseEbraicoEsperantoEstoneFilippinoFinlandeseFranceseFrisone occidentaleGaelico scozzeseGalizianoGalleseGeorgianoGiapponeseGiavaneseGrecoGujaratiHaitianoHausaHawaianoHindiHmongIgboIndonesianoIngleseIrlandeseIslandeseItalianoKannadaKazakoKhmerLaoLatinoLettoneLituanoLussemburgheseMacedoneMalayalamMaleseMalgascioMalteseMaoriMarathiMongoloNepaleseNorvegeseNyanjaOlandesePashtoPersianoPolaccoPortoghesePunjabiRumenoRussoSamoanoSerboShonaSindhiSingaleseSlovaccoSlovenoSomaloSotho del sudSpagnoloSundaneseSvedeseSwahiliTagicoTamilTedescoTeluguThaiTurcoUcrainoUnghereseUrduUzbecoVietnamitaXhosaYiddishYorubaZuluItaliano I much prefer taking a couple extra level-one skills instead as this gives me much better versatility and value to me and the team.

Most players, who want to use german battleships "effectively", take a full on tank build for the germans.

Weapons scheme. For a long time, I took MAM1, HSM1, AAGM2, SGM2, CSM1, and MBM3, but I found giving up the concealment (to 12.3km) and increase in RoF in exchange for 3km of additional range and better maneuverability has provided me a lot more flexibility on positioning and targets. Whatever problems you're facing with the guns is in your head. which is the main feature of IFHE? Their main targets are DDs at closer range and CLs. The secondary on the Bismarck are alot just for show, since they`re made of mostly 105mm with too low penetration to do any damage. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . Secondaries don't usually do much, but when an Edin strays within 8km of my Gneis it loses HP quickly. Note: This is based off of the ingame ship, not any actual designs.

IJN cruisers need EM because their maneuverability heavily out-paces their turret speed. Roon software creates an audio ecosystem that eloquently organizes and plays music files. Secondary builds are more fun though, and for a lot of players the main reason to play the Germans. All secondary builds for fun only. There's no secondary build that's the best build for any ship.

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